If you lose yourself

You have the freedom to explore. You are in an adventure. You know who you are. Be open to experiences but always do things that are most true to you. But if you lose yourself, here’s a rough roadmap to find your way back:

  1. Be kind, gentle and compassionate with yourself through it all.

  2. Be honest with yourself about your circumstances and acknowledge where the problem is.

  3. Identify the problem.

  4. Brainstorm on the solutions.

  5. Work on a plan to fix the problem.

  6. Identify whether you need support and be specific on the kind of support.

  7. Seek the support.

  8. Pay attention and be proactive throughout the process.

  9. When you get through it, be grateful, reflect on what you have learnt and take notes.

  10. Stay alert and check in with yourself often. Evaluate and be honest on whether you are happy about where you are. If you are, great!Keep up the good work. If you are not, identify the problem and go about the business of rectifying it- back to no.1.

The journey of life will break and make you. It is the natural order of life. When you find that you have strayed from yourself, work hard to find your way back.


Dear International student

