My Heart Project

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Permission to speak candidly

Dear brave person ready to explore some difficult nuances,

I will use this phrase to introduce topics that I feel passionately about. Most of the topics might be political, contentious and challenging. I will give my opinions and welcome different views. The topics will include but will not be limited to racism, sexism, homophobia, diversity and inclusion, intersectionality, political accountability and transparency in the motherland-Africa, corruption etc.

These topics will probably spark some strong feelings and make people feel uncomfortable, and this is exactly why I will write and talk about them. It is important that we have opinions about issues that affect us, and most importantly that affect the precious children that we are raising. I know bringing these conversations up will also open me up to being challenged and even to discomfort. I welcome it too. We gotta start somewhere to get to a place where we do better, grow and change. It will mean opening our hearts and minds and giving each other permission to speak candidly.

Say the truth, disagree but please do it with respect and kindness.

Yours truly,
